Monday, August 06, 2007

What a great part time job!

I have a part-time job at the Sedgwick County Zoo here in Wichita. It is pretty cool, since I get to have lots of encounters with animals. Such as...

On Sunday, I was sent out to detail (pick up trash). I grabbed a bucket (a green one, which is important) and headed for the chimp and orang habitat. When I got there, I noticed a large group of humans by the chimp glass, who were faced by the entire troop of chimps on their side of the glass. It turns out that the keepers were there (with the humans) showing the chimps a small anteater for their amusement. While I watched, one of the older chimps noticed me and walked over and started to casually look into my bucket. Pretty soon, the whole troop was over, all trying to get a look into the bucket of trash. Since they were no longer interested in the anteater, the keepers came over to see what was up. I professed confusion as to why the troop would give a damn about trash, and was told that the keepers bring in their food everyday in a green bucket. Oops. Sorry there guys and girls, didn't mean to make your stomachs growl.

And here is our new baby giraffe! Ain't she the cutest?

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