Wednesday, August 22, 2007


For fun, I do foam fighting. That is, dress up in pseudo-medieval garb and armor, then hit my friends with padded weapons that (kind of) represent actual ones. As we say, "We want to kill our friends, not hurt them." We even wear helmets so we can smack our opponent's head. Which I'm starting to think may not be the best idea...

So, there I was in the doctor's office yesterday. I thought I had a concussion from fighting on Monday. My buddy Allen was in a really bad mood and nailed me most powerfully with a pole arm (axe on the end of a 6-foot long pole). No pain, but I could feel the force move from the left side of my head, through my skull and come out my right ear (the eardrum even puffed out). I developed a choice headache and slept very well. The next day I was still very sleepy, had the choice headache, was blinky and walked around in a world about 3 degrees off center. The doc saw no evidence, but, since symptoms of a concussion can develop up to to a week after the incident, he advised that Cole keep a close eye on me in case I get goofy. Goofier than usual, I guess.

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