Monday, August 18, 2008

One good thing the Global Warming nut jobs have facilitated

The demise of the SUV. And pick up truck. Sorry to my friends who may own these monsters, but I own a small car and I'm tired of being nearly run down in parking lots as I back out of a space. Seems other drivers can't see me because I'm always between two of those damn things as I back out!


Deane Geiken said...

Ah! But who do you go to when you need something hauled, pulled or in general need such a monster!? The Monster Masters such as I!!!!

The guy who wears Chuck Taylors with a suit. said...

Actually, these days I rent those little U-Haul Vans. That way, I'm not stuck to someone else's schedule. And I don't then owe a Monster Master a favor!