Friday, February 15, 2008

This is what a predator should look like

Check out this guy! It is a new species of meat-eating dinosaur called Eocarcharia dinops, or "fierce-eyed dawn shark." The University of Chicago released pictures of it yesterday. Apparently, fossils of it were discovered in Africa.

I love therapods! When we had Sue at Exploration Place a few years ago, I enjoyed getting visitors to stand near her head and look down her throat. I would say, "Now imagine you are a young Edmontosaurus and this is the last thing you ever see! Makes you feel like a chicken McNugget, huh?"

Now, this dude is especially weird. It wouldn't surprise me if he was one of the monsters that stalked H.P. Lovecraft's nightmares. Hmm. Cthulu's lap dog?

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