In 1996, I walked away from the Society for Creative Anachronism, vowing "Never again!" Well, never say "never."
After leaving, I spent many more years in medieval re-enacting. I performed with the Order of St. Sebastian, did foam fighting with my buddies Jeff and Allen, and served as Lord Chamberlain to the Royal Court at the Great Plains Renaissance Fair. I had been a fighter in the SCA and whenever I went to an event where there were fighters, I would stop, watch and have a mighty internal struggle over getting back out there. Just before I moved, I went to a fighter practice in Wichita and put on loaner armor. After several minutes of being humiliated and reminded of how out of shape I was, I had two marshals and a knight tell me that, if I wanted to, I could authorize easily. And after nearly 13 years!
Cole and I moved up here to northern Minnesota and looked around for fun in garb. The only game in town was the SCA, so we met the folks and joined up. I am now the group marshal and should have a complete set of armor within two weeks. Our friend Sven is now here as well and he is an authorized fighter and armor maker.
Let the beatings begin! The Kingdom of Northshield is not as restrictive in it's crown list rules as the Middle Kingdom, so my hope is to enter Crown Tournament next year. I do not believe for one moment that I could win. It is for the honor of fighting for my lady. I hope I can make her proud.