Friday, September 28, 2007


Homecoming is today here at The Independant School. There is nothing in the world like the sound of 1st graders singing (screaming) the school fight song (set to the tune of "On Wisconsin"). This afternoon we will all troop over to the auditorium, where high school kids will chant and scream, and scare the living Hell out of the grade schoolers. Then, all teachers will be forced to participate in the homecoming parade. Joy. Go. Team.

This sort of thing is hard for librarians, who as a rule, never cared for this sort of thing, even when we were kids. But, if you insist...Go Illini!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Here Leezard Leezard

Miri is into toy animals and she has a lot of them. She is especially fond of lizards, frogs and dinosaurs. So when I went into her room to pick up, I was not surprised to see a lizard that I didn't recognize. But when I bent down to pick it up, it ran off! Apparently, as the weather starts to turn, the Great Plains Skink may move indoors.

Well, I have nothing against lizards that eat bugs, but I didn't want Miri to freak if she saw it. It had run under her bed, so I had Frippen flush it out. I scooped it up and put it outside. Maybe it will eat a few of those huge, brown spiders that show up at this time of the year.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Back from the dead

OK, back to posting. I just got over the flu, which had been going around the family (Cole and Miri were feverish and sleepy; I got the whole thing Tuesday and spent the afternoon on the bathroom floor). Now, after an extra day of sleeping, I can get back at it, whatever "it" might be. But I missed "Talk Like A Pirate day." ar...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of...Red Cream Soda!

ARRRR! Shiver me timber, me hearties. And don't ye be fergittin' that tomorrow be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So go into work wearing a really big hat and fake parrot, and answer the phone "Ahoy!"

Avast ye!
Musket Max (according to the Pirate name generator)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Vanity, thy name is Osama

Most men dye their hair as they get older in order to attract younger women. Apparently, bin Laden has to look younger to attract younger followers. And since most of his followers are young men...

I'm just sayin'.

Monday, September 10, 2007


That is all I've visited. Not very impressive. AND the furthest west I've ever been is pretty much were I am right now.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Book Reccomendation

All I can say is, "Wow!" Great story, well written for kids, and the illustrations should have won an award!

Arthur and the Sword by Robert Sabuda. (C) 1995, Atheneum Books for Young Readers. ISBN 0-689-31987-8.

(Cindy and Melissa: go get this one for your sons!)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Now THAT'S religion!

Maybe the Cubs should convert to Hinduism...

Enemies list

Like Mr. Nixon, I have an enemies list. New to it: 5th graders. Lippy little bastards. Since they are the oldest in the lower school, they think they know everything. Its almost too bad that I will not see them next year as 6th graders, as their egos get a big dose of middle school smack-down.